Culinary Team Greece
The official team of the Culinary Professionals Greece for the international culinary competitions is the Culinary Team Greece. It was first created in order to represent the Chefs Association of Northern Greece in 2018 at the Culinary World Cup in Luxembourg and since then it is the official culinary team of the association in its participation in the international competitions that it participates in. Its members are not permanent and are selected each time, depending on the requirements of the competition in which the team will participate. The biggest distinction of Culinary Team Greece is the bronze medal that it won at the IKA / Culinary Olympics 2020 in Stuttgart, in the category “Community Catering”. The Greek participation during the competition, cooked a meal which was inspired by the Greek Macedonian cuisine with the theme ``Roots``, which was defined by the organization. The rich Greek flavors, the team spirit, the good preparation and the professionalism led the Greek participation in obtaining the bronze medal.